Malwarebytes Estonia
Malwarebytes Estonia OÜ Kai 1, Tallinn Kontaktisik: Alexandra Lindblom alindblom@malwarebytes.com
Homepage: www.malwarebytes.com/
Malwarebytes values are our Zero’s Heroes. They represent the very best of us as Malwarenauts.
Meet our Zero’s Heroes:
No Nonsense – Communication matters. It is our duty to call no-nonsense when we see it. Personal agendas and politics do not belong here, we are transparent, focused and collaborative teammates. We value each other’s voices equally and welcome growth from constructive conversations.
Act Urgently- We thrive on innovation. We think fast and work with a purpose. Time is not our enemy, but our motivation. We predict, adapt quickly and grow in alignment with our strategy.
Always Learning – We are thought leaders, if we’re not learning, we’re not progressing. The hunger for knowledge is just as important as the access to it. Each day we work to create an environment that is not only conductive to learning but rewards it.
Don’t F%$@ The Customers – Malwarebytes flourishes because customers trust us. We must never compromise that priceless asset. Let us make promises we cannot keep, either to our customers or ourselves. We operate with honesty and integrity and if we screw up, we make it right, DFTC.
Our product has evolved over the years but our vision, our ultimate goal, has remained the same, and that’s a malware-free existence. We operate on a freemium model, offering a free consumer malware removal scanner because we believe everyone has the right to a malware-free existence. That’s where our roots are.
Today we have 90 employees in Tallinn!
~18 different nationalities
Internship and work possibilities
You will be a member of a seasoned, cross-functional team of developers, QA’s, analysts, designers and growth hackers that will partner with you in crafting next-generation cybersecurity features and solutions for the Malwarebytes. Our engineering team in Tallinn, Estonia is rapidly growing and we have several locations across the world including- US, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Singapore, Dubai and Australia.
You will be the part of the team that shapes the future of cybersecurity and changes life for millions of customers around the world.
Malwarebytes Wants You in the Fight Against Malware! – www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDhcUaV-pNg&t=54s
Why should a student choose your company?
As a future Malwarenaut you can work in the next-gen cybersecurity company, where new features are developed and where you will be participating in driving our already successful cybersecurity software to new heights.
We are a global company with proven business model and the most important thing, our product is needed- we help companies and ordinary people to create a world without malware.
Malwarebytes Estonia OÜ Kai 1, Tallinn Kontaktisik: Alexandra Lindblom alindblom@malwarebytes.com
Homepage: www.malwarebytes.com/