Edukas olemine ei ole lihtne – muidu oleksid ju kõik edukad. Southwestern Advantage õpetab noortele põhimõtteid, mis aitavad elus hakkama saada.
To be the best organization in the world at helping young people develop the skills and character they need to achieve their goals in life.
Eestist on alates 2001 aastast Southwestern Advantage programmis osalenud 2670 tudengit, 2019 aasta suvel osales programmis kokku 374 eestlast, kes müüsid kokku $10,611,239.52 väärtuses raamatuid ja teenisid üheskoos enam kui 4,2 miljonit dollarit.
Job and internship opportunities
Southwestern Advantage is an American direct sales company that since 1868 has offered university students a thorough entrepreneurial and sales training by field experts followed by a summer in America selling books door-to-door.
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
Southwestern Advantage on parim projektijuhtimise ja inimestega töötamise reaalse elu kiirkursus, mida üks noor inimene lühikese ajaga läbida saab.