Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ

Main field: infrastructure construction


Veskiposti 2/1, Avala Ärikvartal, 10138 Tallinn



+372 5851 8909

Company values

We cherish Family - work-life balance is our priority. We offer a modern workplace with competitive wages along with various benefits.

We respect diversity - we're committed to promote diversity and equal opportunities among our employees, partners and clients. We believe in growth - we offer our employees opportunity to take part of both, internal and external trainings

We contribute to railway education - we have opened 2 study programs in cooperation with reputable Estonian universities TalTech and University of Applied Sciences. We support your choice to work where you find it the most comfortable - we have the remote work label!

We care for your health - sports and health related compensations. We value inspiring work environment - exciting team building events with supportive and cheerful colleagues.


Rail Baltica is one of the largest investments of the decades into the Estonian economy and security, improving travel opportunities, entrepreneurship, tourism, and promoting trade


Connecting Estonia to the European high-speed rail network – quickly, comfortably, safely, and environmentally friendly.


In just five years, we have grown to become one of the most significant employers in the Estonian engineering and infrastructure construction sectors, offering interesting and challenging work opportunities for both experienced top specialists and ambitious recent graduates starting their careers. The international nature of the projects provides access to knowledge and practices from other countries.

Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?

Oleme kõigest viie aastaga kasvanud üheks arvestatavamaks tööandjaks Eesti inseneeria- ja taristuehitus sektoris, kus leiavad huvitavat ja väljakutseterohket tööd nii kogenud tippspetsialistid kui alles karjääritee alguses olevad ambitsioonikad kõrgkoolilõpetajad. Projekti rahvusvahelisus võimaldab ligipääsu teiste riikide teadmistele ja praktikale.


Veskiposti 2/1, Avala Ärikvartal, 10138 Tallinn

www.rbestonia.ee personal@rbe.ee

+372 5851 8909