Magnetic Group
Main field: AVIATION
Other fields: logistics, mechanics, production
Helena Ainsoo – HR Business Partner
Home page: https://magneticmro.com/
Company values
We are agile.
We are respectful.
We are highly professional.
We are friendly.
We are passionate.
Magnetic Group operates in the aviation business and is the master brand under which host of sub-brands all live - each one sharing the same values but offering unique and complementary products and services.
We believe that Magnetic Group`s companies play an essential role in enabling aviation companies to better people`s lives worldwide. By ensuring their aircraft are fit to fly and back in the air as soon as possible, we make sure businesses can operate, lovers can reunite, and medication can be delivered where it is the most needed.
We want to turn a traditionally conservative business experience into an exciting and rewarding one.
We are passionate. We are driven. We are Magnetic.
Job and internship opportunities
Open positions:
In Magnetic Group we have more than 600 employees and 28 different nationalities on board. Magnetic Group sub-brands are spread all around the globe - we have 10 sub-brands. Our headquarters and hangars are located in Tallinn, Estonia but we have altogether 6 offices and line stations and warehouses in 24 different locations around the world.
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
Magnetic Group is a dynamic and evolving brand. We are a progressive business - we are youthful, enthusiastic and focus on sustainability and human values. This sets us apart from the generally conservative face of the industry.
We are passionate about our people because the best way to express our high-quality offering is through their passion for what they do.
Our objective is that everything we offer becomes a benchmark within the aviation industry. We want to be the first company to come to our clients` minds and the only one they turn to.
We are the industry`s most passionate company. We are passionate because passion makes a difference. So, come on board and help aviation companies help the world!
Helena Ainsoo – HR Business Partner
Home page: https://magneticmro.com/