Estonian Environment Agency
Valdkonnad: Riikliku keskkonnaseire programmi täitmine, keskkonnaga seotud riigisisese ja rahvusvahelise andmevahetuse korraldamine, andmete kogumine ja analüüs, keskkonnaseisundile hinnangute andmine ning ilmaprognooside, hoiatuste ja nendeks vajalike seireandmete tagamine.
Mustamäe tee 33, Tallinn 10616
E-post: kaurpersonal@envir.ee
Üldtelefon: +(372) 666 0901
Company values
Openness and innovation
- We dare to do;
- We are open to cooperation and innovation;
- Finding innovative solutions is part of our daily work;
- We are transparent in our activities.
Care and trust
- We are supportive and attentive;
- We act independently and to the best of our knowledge;
- We act with dedication for a sustainable living environment;
- We start from the principle of "one for all and all for one".
We are a comprehensive environmental, weather and climate service provider that is demanded by society, and the primary source of objective environmental information.
With the power of the best expert knowledge and the support of the most reliable data, we guide Estonian society towards sustainable development. We organize environmental monitoring, share environmental data and analyze environmental changes to provide Estonian residents with timely and reliable environmental information, forecasts and warnings of dangerous weather phenomena. The Environment Agency's holistic view of the environment creates the prerequisites for knowledge-based decisions in policy-making, business and the everyday life of residents - to maintain a safe, clean and diverse living environment and the sustainable development of society in Estonia.
Working family:
218 employees;
the average age is 44;
the youngest is 22 years old;
the oldest is 81 years old.
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
The Environment Agency is the best place to start a career for an environmentally conscious young person. We deal with data collection and analysis, based on which decisions affecting the balance of the planet are made both in Estonia and internationally. Our field is rapidly developing and constantly offers new upgrade options. kiiresti arenev ning pakub pidevalt uusi täiendusvõimalusi.
We are a flexible employer and enable remote work, give extra days for rest, encourage a healthy lifestyle and self-development, support employees' mental health, offer health insurance and work psychologist services.
Mustamäe tee 33, Tallinn 10616
E-post: kaurpersonal@envir.ee
Üldtelefon: +(372) 666 0901