Favorte Ltd
Field: Construction
Other fields: Real Estate Development
Viivika Toode
+372 55 912 102
Company values
In our work, we value close and trusting cooperation with our customers. We specialize in creating commercial premises and homes in a tailor-made suit. This means that it often takes several months for us and the client to come up with a spatial solution for the future residential or commercial space. Only by working together with the customer is it possible to create individual solutions that ensure coziness and smart use of space at home or that support companies in improving their business processes.
Finding a new home or business premises starts with an idea. Then a plan emerges. But there is a long way from a plan to a tangible result. Although everything may seem simple in your head and on paper, real life is something else. You can never successfully foresee or plan everything yourself. Fortunately, we at Favorte have long experience in making dreams come true. And for us, the client's plan is a unique vision to strive for day by day. So that the result is even better than the original idea.
At Favortes, everyone knows everyone - our 18-member team meets in a cozy office in the center of Tallinn. We allow our people flexible working hours and locations to maintain a balance between private and work life. We motivate the team with a generous benefits package and joint events. We are working together so that we can set higher and higher expectations for the buildings developed by Favorte.
We create complete business and living environments to contribute to the development of a harmonious urban space.
We create complete business and living environments to contribute to the development of a harmonious urban space.
30 years of experience
400 homes sold in the last four years
72 homes under construction
500 homes in planning
71,000 m2 of commercial space developed
6,000 m2 commercial premises under construction
175,000 m2 of commercial space in planning
💡🌱 In a few years, the solar panels covering the roofs of our commercial buildings have produced 1,500 MWh of green energy, which is enough to fully charge more than 38,000 electric cars. Half of it has been used by the tenants of the buildings, who can consume the produced electricity without network fees."
Hei, majandustudeng!
Tule kasva koos meiega! Favortes on praegu põnevad ajad – pooleli on mitu
arendusprojekti, mis pürgivad oma erakordse ulatusega Tallinna ja Harjumaa
suurimate sekka. Oleme käima lükanud ka Baltikumi esimese stock-office
Ootame oma tiimiga liituma finantsanalüütika praktikanti, kes saab anda oma
panuse linnaruumi ja elanike jaoks tõeliselt oluliste elamu- ja äriarenduste ellu
For a successful internship at Favortes, you can:
– mentori, kes tutvustab sulle samm-sammult kinnisvaraarenduse tagamaid;
– väärilise tasu ja täieõigusliku koha meie tiimis koos motivatsioonipaketiga;
-päris tööülesanded ja vastutuse, et luua oma karjäärile sisukas algus;
–diverse experiences to get to know different aspects of real estate development;
– istekoha tiimikoosolekutel juhatusega ühe laua taga, et saaksid meiega jagada oma värsket vaatenurka;
igati toetava tööpere ja tutvused kogu eluks.
Praktika käigus saad ülevaate ja tegeleda järgmiste teemadega:
– kuidas töötab kinnisvaraarendus ja -turg;
– kuidas hinnata ettevõtte finantsilist seisu;
– kuidas teha prognoose ning arvestada ettearvamatute muutustega;
– kuidas toimub rahavoo juhtimine, fondijuhtimine ja ettevõtete rahandus.
Ootame sind kandideerima, kui:
– you excel in Excel – Excel on su parem käsi ja igapäevane tööriist;
– oled tõeline finantsanalüütika fänn;
– oled õpihimuline ja valmis viima oma erialast vilumust uuele tasemele.
Kandideerimiseks saada oma CV koos lühikese kaaskirjaga, miks sa tahad oma praktikat just Favortes teha, hiljemalt 31. märtsil meiliaadressile favorte@favorte.ee.
Additional information
– Raporteerimisspetsialisti praktika
– Praktika on tasustatud.
– Töökeel: eesti, inglise.
– Praktika kestus kokkuleppel.
Favorte on 30-aastase kogemusega kinnisvaraarendaja. Meie arendusportfelli kuuluvad erinevad elamuprojektid ja ärihooned Tallinnas ning Harjumaal. Loe meie kohta rohkem veebilehelt www.favorte.ee!
Viivika Toode
+372 55 912 102