Eesti Pank

Main field: ECONOMY


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Company values

• Competence

• Cooperation-orientation

• Reliability

• Consideration


The positions and actions of Eesti Pank are considered in Estonia and abroad. Eesti Pank is an efficient and innovative organisation and is the most highly regarded authority in Estonia on questions of finance and the economy at the macro level.

Job and internship opportunities


The bank has 11 departments that employ a total of 230 colleagues.

Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?

Eesti Pank offers plenty of opportunities for developing your skills and knowledge. The work here is exciting and diverse, and you are always dealing with current topics and the latest economic figures. The variety of our topics is fascinating, and so is the range of ways we cover them, by reading, analysing, writing and presenting. There are always people at Eesti Pank we can discuss our work with, and who we can ask for advice if we need to. Such an environment is very inspiring and really encourages development. Being a member of the European System of Central Banks, we have a unique opportunity to also work with colleagues from other European central banks.


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