Põhivaldkond: TÖÖSTUS

Muud valdkonnad: logistika, majandus, mehaanika


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Company values

• Human focus
• Reliability
• Efficiency
• Development

Our vision

BLRT Group is the largest industrial group in the Baltic States.


Kontsern BLRT Grupp on asutatud aastal 1912. Kontsernil on ettevõtted 8 riigis: Eestis, Lätis, Leedus, Soomes, Norras, Venemaal, Poolas ja Ukrainas.
Üle 50 ettevõtte arendavad tegevust sellistes valdkondades nagu laevaehitus ja -remont, kõrgtehnoloogilised seadmed, metallitöötlus ja vanametalli käitlemine, gaaside tootmine, sadama-, veo- ja stividoriteenused ning kinnisvara arendus.

Job and internship opportunities

• Every year, almost 60 different internships for students of many different disciplines;
• We offer both observation and participation practice;
• Possibility to agree on the time and working hours of the internship.

Why should students come to your company for an internship or work?

• Good opportunity to test and develop your professional skills, personal qualities and ability to cope in a real work environment;
• You can participate in the implementation of large-scale projects;
• In everyday work and development, you are supported by the best experts in your field;
• You are an equal member of the team;
• You can embed the theoretical knowledge of the field obtained in university in production work.


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