Estonian Railways Ltd
Other areas: Construction, Energy, Logistics, Telecommunications, Automatics
Company values
The main values of Estonian Railway are cooperation, honesty, innovation and professionalism.
The vision of Estonian Railway is to become the most modern railway infrastructure company in the region.
To be a railway competence center and to ensure safe and efficient service on the railway.
Eesti Raudtee kliendid on nii kauba- kui ka reisijateveo raudtee-ettevõtjad. Läbi oma tegevuse aitame luua võimalused inimeste ja kaupade liikuvusele, tööhõivele ja keskkonnasäästlikule transpordile. Ettevõte arendab ja hoiab korras 1214km raudteed, 61 jaama ja 129 reisijate ooteplatvormi. Meie ettevõttes töötab üle Eesti veidi üle 700 töötaja, kellest 58% on mehed ja 42% naised. Keskmine tööstaaž 17 aastat. Tööjõu voolavus 5,77%
Job and internship opportunities
We also welcome foreign students for internships.
Representatives of many specialties work in our company, and it is possible to complete an internship with professionals in their field, at the same time getting a unique opportunity to get to know the special features of the railway. Such fields are, for example, traffic management, construction management, project management, road and bridge construction, telecommunications, automation and security systems, electrical systems and many others that are necessary for the maintenance and development of railway infrastructure and the organization of railway traffic. A number of professions can be learned on site and employed during training, such as traffic controllers and road workers.
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
As an infrastructure company, we have a significant impact on the development of Estonian society. We cooperate with many companies, educational institutions and research centers to develop innovative solutions, and we are becoming more and more modern in the integration of IT services. We prefer environmentally friendly means in the construction, repair and maintenance of railways and avoid pollution of the environment on the railway infrastructure. We are members of several organizations promoting responsible management and were awarded the Golden Label for Responsible Business in 2019. We have a unique opportunity to take part in projects of national importance, such as the electrification of railway traffic and raising the safety level of the infrastructure, including increasing the train speed to 160 km/h.
This is your chance to make history.