

The local group of the international student organization BEST, called BEST-Estonia, began its activities

The first career event Võti Tulevikku took place on March 27 at the Estonian Exhibition Centre, with approximately 17 companies participating and an opening speech delivered by Lennart Meri.

It was a favorable time for organizing a career fair in Estonia, as the state-mandated job assignments after graduation had just ended, and no similar event had been seen in Estonia before. Companies were not yet accustomed to recruiting people, and students were not very aware of the labor market. Therefore, the aim of the event was to bring these two parties face-to-face.


On March 17–18, the second Võti Tulevikku career event took place at the Eesti Näituste messikeskus, featuring 12 companies.


Brochures of the participating companies were distributed at the fair, serving as precursors to the later catalog. A total of 15 companies participated in the career fair.


Võti Tulevikku career fair was a two-day event held in two cities – at the Sakala Centre in Tallinn and the Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu. In 1994, 36 companies participated in the career fair.


VT career event was organized in collaboration with the international student organization AIESEC. In 1995, 21 companies participated in the event.


The event reverted to a one-day format , with a total of 16 companies participating.


The career event was held at Tallinn Lauluväljak, with 32 companies participating


For the first time, the VT catalogue was published, containing information about 49 companies and sent directly to school graduates' homes. Also it was the first time, the event was preceded by a series of lectures. The career event took place on March 3 at the Sakala Centre in Tallinn, with 29 companies present.


The fair was organized in collaboration with AIESEC and took place on March 2 at the Sakala Centre. A total of 2,660 people attended the event, and a Tartu-Tallinn-Tartu bus line was available for free use by participants from Tartu. The event featured 18 companies on-site, with 34 companies listed in the catalog, along with several municipalities.


Võti Tulevikku celebrated its 10th anniversary!

For the first time, companies were offered the opportunity to give presentations. The career event took place on March 14 at the Sakala Centre, with 19 companies participating. AIESEC shifted its international focus, and at the national level in Estonia, it was decided to no longer contribute to the organization of the VT project.



A dedicated website A dedicated website was created for the event, and for the first time, companies from Finlandparticipated. The career event took place on March 13 at the Tallinna Lauluväljaku ruumides, kohal oli 27 ettevõtet. Karjäärimessile lisandusid ka loengud, seminarid ja presentatsioonid tudengitele tööturul ellujäämisest. 


Võti Tulevikku consisted of an informational catalog, a contact fair held on March 5 at the Eesti Näituste messikeskus, and a real-time supporting website. Sixteen companies offered job opportunities, and a job posting board was set up at the fair. The program included seven different lectures and seminars. The fair was officially opened by the Minister of Education, Mailis Rand. Special free buses transported attendees to the event venue.


On March 11, the 13th career fair took place at the Eesti Näituste messikeskus. For the first time, the focus extended beyond university graduates to include vocational school graduates. At the fair booths, attendees could explore opportunities for studying abroad or even secure affordable pension insurance.


The career event faced a low point this year – the fair, held on April 22 at the Eesti Näituste messikeskus, featured 13 companies and was attended by fewer than 500 students. 


VT moved to Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and transformed into a two-day career event featuring 28 companies. On the first day, five general educational lectures on career topics were held. On the second day, presentations from all 28 companies took place, along with additional seminars. Advertising was displayed in 50 bus stops, and the media partner was Kuku Radio. The catalogue included 25 pages of information, messages from the Prime Minister and organizers, and 13 advertisements.


The 16th contact project took place on March 22–23 at TalTech, featuring 46 companies represented through stands and in the catalog, and 48 companies giving presentations. On March 22, the event coincided with TTÜ'sOpen House Day, and on March 23, the TTÜ Career Service Conference was held. A new feature allowed students to participate in CV Keskus Case Studies.


The event, held on March 28 and 29 at TalTech's main and economics buildings, attracted 500 students on the first day and 1,500 on the second day. A total of 160 companies were contacted, with 74 participating in the fair and 60 featured in the catalog.


The event took place on February 27–28 at TalTech's main building and SOC building, with a total of 66 companies participating. Of these, 59 were present at the fair, 55 were featured in the catalog, and 52 gave presentations.


For the first time, workshops were held as part of VT. On March 3–4, a total of 30 companies participated in the event at TalTech's main and economics buildings.


Võti Tulevikku celebrated its 20th anniversary!

The career fair took place on March 3–4, featuring 24 companies, 8 workshops, and 10 lectures and training sessions. A total of 2,500 information catalogs were printed. The two-day event was opened on March 3 in TalTech's main building by Rector Peep Sürje. In celebration of the 20th anniversary, cake was offered to all attendees.



The event took place on April 6–7 at TalTech, featuring 34 companies, 5 workshops, 2 company visits, and 11 lectures or training sessions.


The VT catalogue was published in a virtual format on a USB drive, distributed to the first 2,500 students. The event took place on March 6–7 at TalTech, featuring 44 different companies, 16 workshops, 6 company visits, and 9 lectures or training sessions.


Karjääriüritus kestis esmakordselt The career event lasted three days for the first time, from March 4–6. On the first day, lectures and training sessions were held on current topics. On the second and third days, the career fair took place alongside workshops and seminars. A total of 39 companies participated.The career event lasted three days for the first time, from March 4–6. On the first day, lectures and training sessions were held on current topics. On the second and third days, the career fair took place alongside workshops and seminars. A total of 39 companies participated.


The event, held on March 3–4 at TalTech's student house and auditorium, featured 52 companies, 45 of which participated in the career fair. Activities aimed at students included 1 presentation, 1 company visit, 2 training sessions, 4 group interviews, 5 lectures, and 9 workshops. For the first time, group interviews were organized as part of the VT program. grupiintervjuusid.


Startups were included in the event for the first time. The event, held on March 9–10 at TalTech, featured 67 companies, 8 startups, and 3 collaboration partners.


The career fair was held on March 2 at TalTech, bringing together over 50 companies. The fair featured a startup area showcasing companies founded at TalTech. Additionally, a special edition of the newspaper Postimees was published, and a digital information catalogue was created. The program included 2 lectures, 2 training sessions, and 9 seminars.


The career event took place on March 7–8 in TalTech's auditorium and student house, bringing together 62 companies. The program featured 15 seminars and 4 lectures. The VT special edition of Postimees was also published once again.


From March 6–8, 67 companies participated in the event held in TalTech's auditorium, student house, and the connecting corridor.


The career event took place on March 4–6 across multiple venues at TalTech, including the auditorium, student house, main building foyer, café hall, and the corridor connecting the auditorium and the student house. A total of 83 companies participated.


 Võti Tulevikku celebrated its 30th anniversary!

It was time to update the brand visuals. Over the years, the career event had grown significantly, leading to the setup of a tent on TalTech's Academics' Alley to accommodate more companies for the VT career event.



Due to COVID-19, the career fair was held online on the OnlineExpo platform, garnering a total of 43,918 online booth visits. A total of 73 companies participated, with 14 seminars and 3 lectures taking place. Thanks to a collaboration partner, the event also had access to two Võti Tulevikku branded vehicles.


The career event was held as a hybrid fair, allowing participation both on-site at TalTech and online via YouTube. A total of 102 companies from various fields participated. The program included 16 seminars and 3 lectures covering topics ranging from artificial intelligence and infrastructure construction to environmental protection and circular economy. The VT Podcast was launched, airing 7 episodes. For the first time, the VT Magazine was published in collaboration with Voice Media.


On March 17, the 33rd Key to the Future career event took place at TalTech, spanning a total of 10 days. The program included lectures by collaboration partners, a career fair, company visits (resumed after several years), and seminars. The VT Podcast continued, and the second issue of the VT was published, printed partly on recycled paper. Career counselors from the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund were present, CV Keskus organized speed job interviews, student companies showcased their initiatives, and therapy dogs also made an appearance.


5. – 15. märtsil toimus TalTechis juba 34. Võti Tulevikku karjääriüritus. Messipäeval kohtusid tudengid kohapeal 102 erineva ettevõttega. Lõbusa kõrvaltegevusena said tudengid osa võtta ka aardejahist, mille raames sai läbida näiteks CV Keskuse boksis tööintervjuu või lahendada huvitavat ristsõna Microsofti juures. Esmakordselt toimus messile järgneval õhtul Seminar Evening, kus avanes võimalus kuulda kuue erineva ettevõtte tegemistest ning tulevikuplaanidest. Lisaks toimusid ka ettevõttekülastused ning töövarjupäevad, mis andsid sisuka ülevaate tulevastest töökeskkondadest.