Field: Energy sector
Other fields: infotechnology
Kadaka tee 42, Tallinn
infotelefon: 71 51 222
Company values
We recognise our responsibility to society to ensure electricity and gas supply in an economically efficient manner. A functional energy market with equal treatment of market with equal treatment of market participants is the best way to guarantee the security of supply. We value each employee's contribution to fulfilling our high-level commitments to society.
At the core of all of Elrering's activities is customer service. We are dedicated to creating value for our customers and their customers. We generate value by combining our people's long-standing experience with the latest knowledge, providing the best solutions in the energy sector.
The energy system is undergoing rapid changes. Elering is open to change and dynamic in its approach. We create new opportunities and support innovation in the energy section. Readiness for change starts with our people. To lead the way for changes, we value everyone’s initiative, creativity, and wish to evolve.
SECURITY OF SUPPLY in a climate-neutral manner, supporting the competitiveness of the Estonian economy.
To keep the lights working and homes warm in Estonia.
As of the end of 2023, Elering employed 291 people. The average tenure of employees is just over 11 years, with an average age of 42 years. Three-quarters of the workforce are male.
Elering has historically been characterized by relatively low workforce turnover. In 2023, voluntary turnover slightly decreased, reaching 7.7%. It is important for Elering to maintain a relatively low level of workforce turnover to preserve a high level of competence necessary for core activities. To achieve this, understanding employee expectations and involving them in organizational development is crucial. The majority of our employees have higher education, and nearly half of Elering's workforce has obtained a master's or doctoral degree.
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
Elering is the backbone of the Estonian energy system, offering meaningful and interesting work with professionals in their field, a supportive team, a modern and flexible work environment, and a strong tradition of joint events and activities.
Kadaka tee 42, Tallinn
infotelefon: 71 51 222